30.10.2008 | 13:16
Hver var Jesús.
His claims and the prophecies in the Old Testament
There are many "Christs" in the world today - people calling themselves or being called by their followers as "Christ". The Bible also warns against "false Christs". How do we know the real Christ from a fake?
What about Jesus Christ? Was He just another man? Was He an impostor or was He the real Messiah, the Son of Living God?
This is the vital question we all need to answer for ourselves, for it could make the difference between life and death. One thing is sure, Jesus has created more controversy than any other founder of the religious systems of the world.
He also made some astounding claims that would make Him the sole source of salvation to fallen man, ("I am the way, the truth, and the life,... NO MAN cometh unto the Father but by ME." John 14:6) The tension such a statement creates between the various religious systems cannot be readily resolved without compromise. Either He was right, or He was not; compromise seems impossible. If He was right, then this controversy will escalate to its final conclusion culminating in the glorious return of Christ to this earth to reclaim His dominion and to judge the living and the dead. If He was wrong, then the Messiah, according to the various belief systems, has not yet come, or he has come a number of times in the form of world teachers, or he will not come at all.
Buddhism and Hinduism teach that the Christ, the world teacher, has experienced numerous reincarnations at different stages of human progression. The Muslims teach that Jesus Christ was a prophet, but that he was not the Son of God. However, they also teach that He was �born of a virgin, worked miracles, was the Messiah, lived a sinless life, went up to heaven, and is coming again before the end of the world.�1 The Jews, excluding the Messianic Jews, reject Jesus outright. To them He is an impostor.
Christians themselves are divided in their attitudes toward Jesus. Some see Him as God, Saviour, Lord and Messiah while others refuse to accept His divinity, choosing to see Him as a special created being. Who is right? Let us consider the evidence.
Was He the Messiah?
His Claims
The High Priest asked Him,...Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed ?� And Jesus said, �I am; and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of Power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.� Mark 14:6162
The Claims of Others
He [Andrew] first found his own brother Simon and said to him, �We have found the Messiah� (which is translated, the Christ). John 1:41 NKJV
The Prophecies
There are at least 60 Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled by Christ in the New Testament. But there are more than 300 references to the Messiah in the Old Testament, and these were written over a 1500-year period. Conservative scholars estimate that the last Old Testament book was written around 450 BC. But those claiming a later date cannot possibly push that date closer than about 250 BC - the reason for this being the Greek translation of the Old Testament which was completed during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246 BC). This is an historical fact and it places a span of at least 250 years between the Old Testament predictions and their fulfillment in Christ. See Truth Matters by Professor Walter J. Veith for some of the more important ones.
Some have suggested that these prophecies were accidentally or coincidentally fulfilled by Jesus. According to the science of probability, the chance of any one human being up until the present fulfilling a selection of just eight of these prophecies (including the one on crucifixion) is one in a hundred thousand million million.
by Amazing Discoveries
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Þórdís Ragnheiður Malmquist
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Þórdís Ragnheiður Malmquist, 30.10.2008 kl. 14:09
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
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